Home and School Visitor


Jacqueline Litz, LSW Home and School Visitor and Homeless Liaison



Homeless Act: McKinney Vento Act

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act guarantees a free and appropriate public education for all homeless children and youth. B.E.C 42 U.S.C. 11431 outlines procedures for deciding school placement, enrolling students, and determining responsibility. Homeless is defined as “anyone lacking a fixed, adequate, regular nighttime residence.” McKinney Vento makes sure these students receive a free and suitable public education by removing barriers to school enrollment and full, basic, daily participation in school activities. This includes:

  • Immediate enrollment
  • Free and Reduced School Lunch
  • Setting up transportation (if the student qualifies)
  • Help with basic clothing needs
  • Help with school supplies
  • Help with activity fees
  • Other basic education needs