Winter Weather
When hazardous conditions develop during the night such as heavy snowfall or other serious weather conditions it may make it necessary to close schools the following day or to delay the opening of schools. Decisions involving weather conditions are difficult because they need to be made approximately two hours before the buses leave the compound. Despite advice from the weather bureau, local and state police departments, emergency highway personnel, and members of our own staff assigned to check key road areas, conditions can improve appreciably. The safety of our children is our primary concern.
A two-hour delayed opening may occur when there is a weather emergency. In such cases, a modified kindergarten schedule will be used.
- AM session 11:00 AM to 12:45 PM
- PM session 1:30 PM to 3:15 PM
A decision to close schools will be made as soon as possible. Bus drivers, administrators, and teachers will be notified immediately. If the school needs to close early and/or suddenly during the school day, we will initiate our Global Connect calling system. It is each parent or guardian’s responsibility to keep the office and the school nurse advised of changes in work phone numbers or changes in emergency contacts (neighbors, grandparents, close friends etc.) It is advisable to review emergency procedures with your child(ren) periodically.