Visiting Loomis


Visiting Loomis:

We are concerned for the safety of our students. If you need to visit Loomis Elementary School or any MNSD building for any reason, please have a valid ID. We have a strict policy as it pertains to identification. Visitors, including parents, must present a current photo ID and sign in at the office each time they come to our school whether this is your first time visiting or your sixth year at Loomis. In addition, visitors, including parents and grandparents, are not permitted on school grounds during school hours without administrative authorization, per MNSD School Board Policy #707. 

Parents entering any classroom to assist the teacher/students in the classroom:

~ Must have updated clearances on file in the main office. You can find the information to obtain your clearances on our MNSD website in the Human Resources Department section.

~ The PTO or homeroom teacher will provide the office with a list of parents/adults who are expected. Those parents must sign-in at the office with their valid state ID.

~  Parents must park in the front parking lot, or parallel along North Central Boulevard.

~  Siblings/young children may not attend (this includes school trips).

~  Mystery Readers: Please have the teacher approve the text prior to reading to the class.

~  All crafts and activities must be teacher-approved prior to the event.

~  Parents are not permitted to bring food items into school for student “parties”.

~  Parents may not take photos of other children that are not their own.